by SMuffatti
I'm fairly new here, but I've been playing Descent Second Edition for quite some time and I have spent quite a while rounding up First Edition minis. I was wondering if this was the appropriate place to post this.Essentially I have some extra odds and ends, beastmen, skeleton archers, bane spiders, trolls, etc. Not enough to make another group but I was wondering if anyone would be interested in trading their extra odds and ends for my extra odds and ends so we could make a complete group. Here is what I have:
Manticore - 1 Minion
Troll - 1 Minion
Skeleton Archers - 3 Master, 5 Minion
Lava Beetle - 1 Master, 1 Minion
Beastmen - 1 Master, 3 Minion
Kobold - 1 Master
Dark Priest - 1 Master, 1 Minion
Shade - 1 Master
I also have a complete extra deck of the monsters from the conversion kit. I just don't want these to go to waste.