by verdealex79
Hi, I am a big fan of Descent 2E.I discovered the Descent Quest Vault, and I wish I had seen it before

There is a lot of quests, but the interface is not comfortable. Quests have to be downloaded one at a time, and every one requires lots of clicks. I could be wrong, but I was not able to find a button to download them all, or some of them, in a single batch.
Since i just discovered it now, and I'd like to get all of the english/italian quests that have been post there, the work seems overwhelming.
Since I know how amazing the works of the fan community can be, I wonder: is there anyone - who jumped over the Quest Vault from the beginning and downloads EVERY QUEST little by little, day after day - so kind to share all the stuff with me via a DropBox / GoogleDrive folder?
Maybe that folder could be mantained and shared with other people too - it could be useful for other folks!
Thank you!