by WonderSlug
I finally decided to paint my figures and when I got to cleaning the mold lines from Grisban, I was surprised by the large defects in his miniature.I requested and received a replacement from FFG very quickly, and I'm quite surprised by the speed at which the replacement was sent. However, the replacement piece has the exact same defects, and the overall quality of the new mini is even worse than my original.
The defects I'm referring to are the large gouges in the plastic, where one would (if following the other molds lines) expect mold lines to be. On the front side (first pic) a large chunk of his beard is chopped out and the little pony tail holder thing is deformed, completely missing the section of beard sticking out the end.
I suppose I could try my hand at filling/sculpting them with green stuff, but I have no experience with that, and would really prefer to have a quality mini straight out of the box.
The reason I'm posting here is to see if I'm just incredibly unlucky, or if this is a global problem with this particular mold. I look forward to your feedback.