by sdrewthomson
Looking for feedback on whether you think the below would be well-balanced.My wife and I will be starting a new campaign soon. It will be her first campaign as the heroes. She would be the first to admit that she would struggle with keeping track of all the hero abilities, feats, and so on when there are four heroes to keep track of. She has seen me do it and she doesn't think she could juggle all of that at once. In fact, even when she played as the OL, I would sometimes remind her about some of her monster and lieutenant skills she was forgetting about, relics, etc.
Otherwise she's very good at the game and has won two campaigns as the OL against me.
So to give her a hand in this next campaign I was thinking of giving her 3 heroes. Easier to keep track of everything, and even if she makes some suboptimal moves, the fact that 3 heroes tends to favour the heroes should make up for it and keep things relatively balanced. That is my thinking anyway.
It will be a Labyrinth of Ruin campaign with Trollfens rumour cards thrown in. I will probably take every opportunity to play Trollfens quests, as the expansion is new to me so I want to get the most out of it.
Proposed hero party:
Grisban the Thirsty (or Syndrael; help me decide) as a Berserker
Augur Grisom as a Prophet
Roganna the Shade as a Stalker
Ally: Serena (because we used Raythen last time)
As the OL, I plan to specialize in the Infector class, and I'll be using the Bol'Goreth plot deck.
Would appreciate any thoughts or input you may have.