by RedJak7
I needed something to keep track of monster damage that would be tidy, and fit in my limited table space. I came up with this, and wanted to share it with you all.Just stack hearts and condition tokens in the numbered spots. The shaded red spot is for the master.
There are two types of trackers in the file. The basic one works for most monster groups. The expanded one is for the larger monster groups (such as those with two master minions). Yes, I know that the expanded one won't work for kobolds.
The space for the monster card is sized to fit a sleeved card. I put two of those little triangular stick-on photo corners on the left side (to the right of the number bar) to hold the monster card in place.
For numbering monster figures, I paint little silver dots on the top of the base. My bases are black, so it shows up well. You could also put dots on the rim of the base, but I found that harder to see.