by Kyur
Hey folks,I have never played Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition) but am planning to get base box in the future. If I like the game, I might very also sink some more money into the expansions, maybe even the Lieutenant packs.
My question here is: are they actually really and honestly worth it ? I know that they also add cards and having tokens among all those great miniatures is really awkward, but I am just asking myself how often these Lieutenants are actually brought to the table.
Are they unique to certain missions ? How often does a certain Lieutenant appear on average ?
Like I said, I have never played this game, so I don't know how many quests are included in each box and how often a unique model might appear.
What also increases my concerns is the fact that there are many Lieutenant packs, but I guess that most of them are bound to certain expansions, so getting them without the corresponding expansion would make no sense - right ?
Thanks for your input.