by ShineSpark
Hi,I like many was super stoked when I heard about 2e, I'd played a lot of 1e and from all the stuff I'd read and after playing some of the other games FFG put out between the two I had high hopes for some improvements. I got what I wanted... mostly.
For me RtL turned a game that was already an amazingly fun dungeon crawl into one of the most intense, epic, and exciting adventures I'd ever experienced in any medium. I must admit I've never been able to complete RtL and my good experience mostly stems from a single campaign (which I hope to some day complete) in which we played over 70 hours over the course of 2 weekends. It was awesome.
Anyway I think 2e is awesome in so many ways and it plays so much faster and I find the rules to be much easier to handle. Classes and skills are super interesting and all around I might argue that 2e is better than 1e, it almost has RtL beat.
Except for that super lame map. I was super disappointed with the map on the back of the quest guide, coupled with the lack of an overarching plot I just feel super unsatisfied in between games. I really miss having such a large map to navigate and taking several turns to move over the mountains to a legendary area or seeking out the heroes of yore. I miss racing the heroes to the sun stone only to meet them and have a showdown with my lieutenant. Ambushes and random encounters were awesome! We almost always forget to do travel cards in 2e cause most of the time they just feel like a waste of time and don't have that much impact.
Of course I can still play RtL with my original stuff but when I go back to 1e I keep feeling like there's a lot in 2e that would make the game play much better.
I also miss big ol' treasure decks I really liked that there were so many treasure cards you almost couldn't hold them all in one hand.
Does anyone else feel that 2e is so close to scratching the itch for grand adventure but it's just slightly off to the left making you itch even more?
Is Rtl something that others would also love to see get the 2e treatment or are most people satisfied with what they get from 2e as is? If FFG decided to do Rtl would it be a day 1 purchase for any of you?
as a side question, I've only got the first expansion. I've been very temped to 'catch up' and purchase all the stuff I missed since that expansion in the hopes of turning the game in to something grander than it already is. Would the other expansions do much to help me?