by Qonas see above. It is literally impossible for the heroes to win this game. Every scenario involves a timed chase of some sort. It also allows the Overlord to choose monsters. Say hello to having to defeat Shadow Dragons in order to give chase to an evil character who gets to start a room ahead of us. In the five rounds it took for that vampire lady to exit, we collectively did a total of 3 damage to the dragons. We were killed en masse.
That is only one scenario. Every timed scenario takes place in very tiny maps which the Overlord can block off with monsters, while also being given a massive headstart on their win condition. We are forced to spend numerous turns clearing out monsters just to move, while in the meantime the Overlord has already completed their objective (most likely using Dash cards). Should we get lucky enough to actually start moving, here come the tripwires and pit traps. Every encounter ends in utter defeat before the heroes have even moved a quarter of the way through the map.
If this game was actually play-tested, that is shocking. It is horribly unbalanced and leaves no room for victory.