by bigGameGeek
So I've got a few quests under my belt and I must say I am loving the hell out of this bad boy. It really is tons of fun.So it has been out for a entire week now so I guess it is time to start thinking expansion, which this game is primed for. I also love the potential for backwards complatability and how this game can increase it replayability by releasing expansions which can incorporate into the base game thanks to the 'open group' mechanic.
So this post is just a general inquiry into expansion ideas. I was mainly wondering what people thought were going to be the contents of new expansions (classes, monsters, quests, ect.) Also I want to know if people think they will be releasing new monsters or stick with some of the oldies but goodies. For those of us who don't own the 1st Ed. and obviously dont have the conversion kit, but would like beastmen. Or would people who bought the conversion kit feel ripped off if they did that?
Anyway, post some thoughts...........