by Hatchet Jack
ok, last night I had a blast playing the overlord on fat goblin. I shut the Heroes down! My giants kept reasoning and blocking the way it was great.A couple interactions happened I want to see what the ruling is for them.
1.can a master giant sweep and regular attack on the same turn as separate actions. We didn't but I wondered
2. A hero got cursed and stunned. Curse from a travel event and stun from giant. With curse saying you can't do arrow actions while cursed are you stun locked until you pass the curse check or healed by another hero?
3. Your opinion of giants they are really awesome with black die defense and tough attack. Really liked them what have been your choice for fat goblin?
4. Sweep can stun multiple heroes with the right roll right?
5. Is there an order you are supposed to go through the campaign? Where is the order located?