by Todd Degani
TLDR: Should you mix only the expansions you are playing with the base set or mix ALL the expansions together that you own (appropriate cards only, no rumors, city events, etc) when starting a campaign?If you mixed it all together, do you think the players in your group would have rather not had everything mixed together so as to leave some fresh totally unseen content in the next campaign?
Long version:
I recently just picked up the rest of the expansions I was missing over Christmas and have some questions on mixing and matching them.
Clearly all the heroes can be put into play and probably the overlord cards. Monsters can probably be all put in as well.
Now here is where the question comes in. If you have played multiple campaigns with multiple expansions, do you feel your group would, or would have, liked that when you played with a different combination of campaigns and expansions that they would be seeing some all new loot, travel cards, and secret rooms?
I'm still prepping for a campaign, which we would probably play the base campaign + lair or trollfens. The next time we might do SoN + another mini like Manor or which ever we didn't play in the first campaign.
So I am trying to decide if I should just take the travel cards, heroes, overlord specializations and basics, store cards, and secret rooms and mix them all together for the first campaign or only play with the expansion cards being used in the campaign as the rules suggest. As I mentioned earlier I see no problem using all the overlord, monster, and hero cards in the first campaign though.