by Nonje
Hello dear Descenters, good sunday everyone!
I am currently playin my second campaign with second group,and since in the first we had some "rules issues"(we basically used to play rules by hand, checking quite often)now that we started a new one I wuld like to be sure about a couple of rules my players sometimes points out like " are you sure you can?". Precising that mostly rulebook answered for that, I'm asking to some of you to answer a simple yes\no; question will be quite detailed

1) I often use dash\frenzy in wombo combos. Rule book says OL can play any number of OL cards in his turns, but usually I never play two cards with the same name in the same turn. Question is: OL cards are limited in some way, like I just said? Can i play some cards in wombo combos (like frenzy\dash on the same monster\lts to get two free actions) or, even more, can i play the same card twice on the same monster (example: I got two frenzy in my hand, can i play both of em on the same monster? I usually don't (seems really powerful to combo, i imagine two dashes on Eliza farrow in pt2 Masquerad ball, for example, and then imagine my game group killing me with sharp knives )but want to know.
2) Placing monsters: This is where i actually have a doubt. When it says in setting phase " place X monsters on the Y tile", does it mean i can place the X monsters on WHATEVER Y tile space, or have some restriction? And for example, getting reinforcements on the entrance, i have to put it on the firt space free (so, a little behind) or I can put there even in upper spaces (entrance tile is 2x2; should I put the on the first line or i can put them even on the second? Hope it's clear)
3) Blocking the way with monsters: This is possibly the worst behaviou i have, but it would be just too dumb to not use that. You can block tight tiles with barely a couple of monsters, so, it's quite easy to force heroes losing time creeping monsters to pass. I know that's bad, but is legit, right?

4) Dark Charm: If I choose, through this card, that a hero must attack himself, can i spend surges on that attack so he does more damage tohimself, as he was normally attacking? Example, runemaster attacks himself and roll a surge. I can't force him suffering fatigue to get 2 damage more, but can I spend a surge fom his weapon to get explosion\damage or whatever it gives, as he was one o my monster (like the card states)? I guess yes but still i would like to have a confirmation.
4.2) Dark Charm, No.2 : Using Dark charm to force an hero moving on a lava space, then ending his movement. Does the hero istantly dies (as I stop his activation)? Looks like yes but seems a bit over the top.

I guess this is it, for now. Anwering this questions would really emprove our game so I can know how much cruel may I be

Thanks for everyone who had the patience to read this far, and thanks to everyone who will answer some of these. Have a nice day!