by Ayrphish
Hello, looking for a solid strategy going into the Shadow Vault interlude this coming weekend. I am playing the overlord.I have 4 threat saved up, and am using Belthir's plot deck.
I have bought Saboteur overlord cards, 2 explosive ruins, and 2 web traps.The party loves to search, and use the thief ability, so this seemed like a solid decision.
The party consist of:
Runemaster / Leoric (This one has given me the most trouble, pierce and free surges)
Disciple / (Free heals)
Thief / Tomble
Knight / (Lots of defense)
(Can't remember the character names off of the top of my head)
As mentioned, I have access to Belthir's stuff and the Overlord cards I have purchased. I also have access to any of the monsters found in Shadows of Nerekhall.
Thanks for any ideas.