by SwedishGeek
Two months ago I got fired from my job (no worries, today I'm back in the saddle) and I needed something to do during the days. So I decided to go ahead and paint my minis. I figured that with 40 figures, I would be kept occupied for some time while looking for a new job.I haven't painted a mini for around 30 years, last attempt was a tin soldier in the beginning of the 80's. So I have started from scratch and learnt by my mistakes, and most especially my brother who has had to answer around a gazillion questions on the topic.
I have used GW paints exclusively as one of my local game stores carries them. There's no other brands to be found around here, excempt Humbrol enamels, which would probably not be very good. I have a paints list at the bottom of this post, and also a list of some of the things I have picked up.
Anyways, here goes. Heroes first, although I did them last in order to pick up the skills needed.
Grisban The Thirsty
Widow Tarha
Avric Albright
Leoric of the Book
Jain Fairwood
Tomble Burrowell
Shadow Dragons.
Minions for the Widow
Goblin Archers
Cave spiders
Flesh Moulders
The chest and treasure on the Shadow Dragons, and the three minion skeletons are from Otherworld Miniatures in the UK. Nice models and I think it gives a little more life to the figures.
So, what have I picked up..
- When painting several minis of the same type, glue them up on some foam core or similar. Then work as a factory with the bases and shades, using the same paint on all figures before switching. For the final touches you might need to go individual however.
- The bases are all done with the "standard" from Esoteric Order of gamers. But instead of using kitty litter, it's actual crossed stone. I glued it down with PVA glue, gave it a black coat, then a grey, and finally a white drybrush. The grass is Scorched grass from Citadel/GW.
- When mixing paints from Citadel/GW, it's better to mix bases with bases and layers with layers. Mixing a base with a layer is really tricky as the base will just "eat up" the layer paint.
- Use quality brushes. I've used GW's own, Army painter and some I found in a real art store. Remember to keep them clean and wash in water often. Especially when dry brushing, the paint tends to stay in the brush.
- Learn wet blending. It's quite simple actually. Get two or three paints on your palette, mix some in-between colors, then paint with the first colour from where it should starts, then just move to the next, and work up and down to mix the paints on the model itself. I didn't really get a hang of it until the end, but I should have tried earlier.
- If you use the Citadel/GW paints, use their way of painting. It's much easier than going advanced and mixing paints. Start with the base paints, then go to the shades, back to the bases and fix everything you just messed up, then start with the layer paints to get the highlights.
- After painting, cover the figure in 'Ardcoat. It will give it an insane gloss, but it's for protecting the mini. Once dryed, spray it with a flat varnish. I mainly used Testors Dullcoat since it seems to be the best.
- To fill in small cracks etc I used something called Perfect Plastic Putty from Deluxe materials. It's easy to apply, you use water to get rid of the excess and it's easy to sand or file down.
Finally, here's the long list of paints. I think I've spent more on paint than on the game itself. But hey, geeks do what geeks must.
Ceramic white
Abbadon Black
Mechanics Standard Grey (the one I use for the bases)
Nuln Oil
Mephiston Red
Evil Sunz Scarlet
Carroburg Crimson
Bloood for the Blood God
Runefang Steel
Auric Armor Gold
Drakenhof Nightshade
Caledor Sky
Temple Guard Blue
Lothern Blue
Naggaroth Night
Xereus Purple
Druchii Violet
Gehenna's Gold
Hashut Copper
Waaagh! Flesh
Warboss Green
Biel-tan Green
Moot green
Mournfang Brown
Screaming Skull
Kislev Flesh
Reikland Fleshshade
Averland sunset
Flash Gitz Yellow
Casandora Yellow
There's proably more to this, but if anyone has a question just ask. I was a beginner 8 weeks ago, today I'm on the interwebz looking for more advanced paints and painting techniques.