by Necker
So far I've seen veritable waffle about 2eIts not making me get my wallet out, am I alone?.
I'll hold my hands up...I'm Biased, I know being an owner of 1st Ed in totality..., but i'm still waiting for the 'real' reports, not the emotions. ...
I give plaudits to the efforts of some session posters and reviewers slapping out page after page of first time findings,but so far to it feels like painting a picture of the game in a storylike fashion, session posts just imaginations running riot with due respect.
I have that feeling that once the campaigns have run the course those will end.
Then we can get down to the nitty gritty of whay might end up being quite an investment moneywise and timewise...
Theres something to be said for the longevity of a gaming system, we have yet to see it play out?
Time will tell, until then, paint the pictures, and chrome plate the story... I'll be waiting with wallet for the hardcore reviews from the ones that will still be attempting to play this next year and the year after that.
The big question:
Does this have that epicness, or is it a firecracker, the fuse lit, then a bang, its all over..
As a side note:
The starnge thing is I have put the money aside to buy, but dont yet have the guts to press 'Buy Now' based on the reports so far...
When will it be proven, when will d2 be voted a concrete long term investment? Based on posts so far, not yet.
For me, It just does not sound and feel like it will stand the test of time once the current new wave descenters have run their course and the real D2 failings come out in the wash. Lets be frank in some respects its as imperfect as its mother was but will it be as great?