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Thread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: Some questions concerning some things I'm not entirely clear on.


by soxshisou

I don't have many questions, but the ones I do, I can't seem to grasp no matter what. I don't know what it is, but maybe I need someone to explain it to me like I'm five.

This is the question: How do you properly play and incorporate plot cards?
***I feel as I should let you know that we are playing loser picks the next quest. I proposed this because I don't really care which map we play as I would like to experience them all. The Heroes, however, are all about choosing something easier for them.

I cannot, for the life of me, figure out how to properly play and use plot cards. I tried to hold on to them and play them all before the third quest, but I think that's wrong. It doesn't help that since I own the game, my friends aren't interested in helping me figure this out and would rather just skip it. Granted, this is our first campaign to make it this far, as we came to the agreement that because they didn't have much synergy between their classes that we would just restart (but I still hear "the OL is too OP" at least twice per encounter).

My second question is: what are the rules on discussing tactics? Are they supposed to do it openly?
***Last quest, two of the Heroes were texting back and forth so as not to openly discuss their strategy.

While I don't care, personally, it alienated the other two Heroes. They weren't kept in the loop, and ultimately, what they were planning on doing failed in the end (I think due to a rule they overlooked).

I have proposed maybe 5-10 minutes of private discussion before we begin an encounter where I, as Overlord, will leave the room. What do you guys think of this? Is it needed; excessive?

I can provide more details and whatnot if you need.

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