by Muad Dib
Hi guys,since I am planning a new campaign soon and I often read that some classes are overpowered (e.g. the Geomancer class was a big complaint recently) I am interestted what your opinion is on the classes.
Of course, the quality of a class always depends on the other heroes but I am interested in a "overall average quality" in your opinion.
Additionally: I searched the forum and did not find a poll like this. If there is one, let me know. Also, all comments on specific hero traits etc. which are overpowered are welcome.
I hope the classes are correct, they are taken from here and can be also looked up there if you are unsure of the traits:
TLDR: Please answer how good you think the different classes are in average, from 1 (nearly useless) to 5 (totally overpowered).
Hero Classes