by Stealth7
She has played a bit of magic, but I think the more 3d look of a boardgame will appeal more. (She's not much into deck building) I've not played either of these, so a high level approach is best.I'm not worried about cost, either core set, expansions, or blind buy model. What I'm looking for is a simplish, D&D style dungeon romp, either independent scenarios or campaign.
Fun, simple. Nothing with a 1000 diff counters, exotic rules, etc. more for the fun. (What comes to mind is the old GW Heroquest)
able to do one scenario in a night
able to break off between games, and pick up later
Minis are good, but not required
cooperative, ie heros vs the game
Expandable, ie expansions, more quests, etc
Too many rules, I'd rather dumb down than expect her to play one more complex. not looking fo an accurate dungeon delve
too long, ie > 2 hrs per 'game'
not involved
me vs her
If there is another game not listed, and you think it'd be more the style, please feel free to mention. I've also seen Imperial Assault, but I think she'd like fantasy more. Also Dungeon Command, but it seems a warband battle rather than a dungeon quest