So I've had this game since the second edition came out. Tried it a little but quickly shelved it. Still I haven't felt like giving up on it. Then along comes Imperial assault and a friend gets it for me as a christmas present.
Now a few in my group loves star wars, so I start the campaigne and at first I'm not impressed. It's very unbalanced in favour of the Imperials, and very simple. Then it changes. The balance even out, more cards and more complexity. Stil not the most complex game, but a nice mid level game that I can see my group enjoying.
So now I'm interested in Descent again, and I discover the co-op expansions. So much has been released since I looked at this last that it's a little overwhelming. IA have one campaigne and the figure expansions add sidemission cards that you just add to the base game deck.(haven't played skirmish). How do the Descent expansions differ?
Now a few in my group loves star wars, so I start the campaigne and at first I'm not impressed. It's very unbalanced in favour of the Imperials, and very simple. Then it changes. The balance even out, more cards and more complexity. Stil not the most complex game, but a nice mid level game that I can see my group enjoying.
So now I'm interested in Descent again, and I discover the co-op expansions. So much has been released since I looked at this last that it's a little overwhelming. IA have one campaigne and the figure expansions add sidemission cards that you just add to the base game deck.(haven't played skirmish). How do the Descent expansions differ?