by ClericID
Greetings all,I have been looking at Descent for years on and off. Constantly ummming and ahhing about whether or not to take the plunge. Knowing full well that I would enjoy the game I was hesitant to get it as I do tend to have completionist tendencies. Also I was hesitant as I thought that the rules may be a bit advanced and would be difficult to play with family.
But I went to a game meet the other day and sat down to play Descent. Played the introduction encounter and was straightaway taken with the simple rules of the game, game play and the potential for the campaign.
I was sold. I played a couple more encounters in a campaign setting and walked away buying it that night naturally.
I introduced my partner to it, myself playing as the Overlord, and she loved it. But she took one look at me after the first quest and said she wants her normal role back - Overlord. We still break out HeroQuest and play with the kids and she is always Zargon/Morcar - she likes the power.
So the thing I question is with all the expansions and H&M add ons, what is the best way to go about purchasing and playing these? there is a lot to take in and it seems a bit overwhelming to look at in one hit.
So should I go in chronological order for the expansions? H&M as I see fit?
Is it worth adding in the extra monster, overlord, treasure, and item cards to the decks straight away? Or should they stay with their respective expansions only?
Thanks team for any guidance in this.