by divibyzero
Hello everyone!I'm new here and considering buying first copy of the game. I have a chance of getting used 1st edition (or new 2nd ed) and can't make up my mind which one is better.
I've read some reviews and comparisons here on BGG, and 1st edition seems like a better choice. I'm experienced with board games, I'm not afraid of long games and complex rules. Also co-op mode is very preferable. I enjoy Arkham Horror, Battlestar Galactica, Dead of Winter... Reviews state that 2nd edition is more casual, less complex and it hurts whole experience - that is what holds me back from buying 2nd edition. On the other hand 1st edition copies seem more expensive (since it's not printed anymore) - in my area its about 90 euro for Base game and 90 euro for Road to Legend expansion. Also I'm afraid that if I get 1st edition - I will have trouble with getting expansions in the future (there are not many used games being sold here in Poland).
Are there any expansions for 1st edition that I should get right away from start?
I would be glad for any advice from you guys