by dmann
Some Fantasy Flight games have a U-shaped cardboard insert that takes up about a third of the space in the box, stopping you from sorting all the contents into bags or plastic boxes and storing them efficiently. Here’s an easy crafts project I did for Eldritch Horror and Descent 2.0 that makes these inserts work for you instead of against you.
MATERIALS NEEDED: Exacto knife, metal ruler, good quality glue (I recommend Mod Podge), brush, books.
1. Lay the insert flat on a cutting surface, and cut along the U-joints from the brown cardboard side (to get a clean edge). Place the flat middle segment back in the box.
2. Brush a water-soluble glue like Mod Podge on the small flaps on one end of each edge insert, move them inside the long flaps of the insert, and then stack books inside and on top of the box you’ve made to get a firm binding between the small and long flaps. Let them dry on a table or desk.
3. When they’re dry, repeat for the flaps on the other end of each insert.
4. Place the small boxes you’ve created upside down back in the game box. You’ll find that the large monster pieces from Descent fit quite well inside the thinner of the two boxes, the cards in the middle, and most of the map pieces and small monsters in the larger insert. The Eldritch Horror box now has lots of room, even with the counters sorted in plastic craft trays from your local dollar store (see the picture). For Descent, you can sort all the counters inside four small (about 1.5 inches wide) “lunch” boxes from the dollar store, ready for action.
5. To make your FF games really last, buy FF sleeves for the cards (much thicker than the Mayday ones), and store them in labelled plastic ziplock bags.