by martfra
Dear all,My partner and I are somewhat new to board gaming. We started by playing D&D AS Wrath of Ashardalon and The Legend of Drizzt. Although the concept of drawing tiles was new and interesting to us at first, we find it to be somewhat bland, repetitive and at times an undesirable experience.
[o]To clarify for those that play own games as well: a few bad attack rolls in a row combined with some unavoidable damage from encounter cards ("you are on a volcanic vent tile, you take 2 damage") may be thematic but are just no fun at times. We have had some bad luck with our ~15 play throughs, many times being stomped on ending the game prematurely and at other times steam rolling through scenario's and winning in an anti-climactic manner. Other than that we have started avoiding some core concepts of the Drizzt version, just to avoid a bad experience. Draw a narrow passage or bridge tile? Avoid at all cost because nothing good comes from potentially drawing a feral troll whilst being stuck on those tiles. [/o]
I do understand that as the story unfolds it is up to you to make the progression work for you and take risks and accept an undesirable outcome. But when the complete randomness of it all backfires it is hard to remain optimistic and enjoy what happens.
So we are looking for a game that is more balanced and less based on luck, and more immersive (more flavour and a more gripping campaign). We are very interested in Descent 2 but after watching Rahdo's review (who admittedly is more into euro-style games) we are afraid the story progression is too straightforward and the dice rolling is too dominant. We fear the dice after D&D AS, basically. Specifically, D&D lacks variety in scenario's.
We would very much appreciate some feedback on this, especially in comparison to the mentioned D&D games.
