by fentum
I bought this when it came out. Thought it was cool looking with lots of great ideas but the gameplay was poor. It was a kind of race game with gamey play required to race through enemies and activate objectives. I actually preferred the Descent 1 gameplay.Not what I want in a dungeon crawl.
I want to fight monsters, find loot, level up, create cool heroes.
I lost interest and got on with Gears of War, Galaxy Defenders, Omega Protocol, etc. MUCH better 'dungeon crawlers' but they are all sci fi not fantasy. I prefer fantasy themes as at heart I am a very old school RPG Bloke.
So I just kickstarted Gloomhaven, Gloom of Kilforth and Sword & Sorcery. Meanwhile, I am looking to while away the time by relearning / getting to grips with one of the fantasy games I already own. Looking at warhammer Quest, descent, descent 2. Noticed that Descent 2 now has a co-op mode.
Looking further, the co-op mode looks much better than the base game. All I have for the moment is base plus the D1 hero conversion pack.
I am a total Luddite, but I'd like to get hold of Redjak's co-op mode and random mode. Also the Forgotten Souls official co-op mode.
How best can I get the stuff I need to get into this game? What should I aim to get hold of? How do I actually get printed copied of Redjak's lovely stuff?
All help welcome!
Oh, and don't mention Dungeon Saga. I didn't KS this due to some shocking initial gameplay videos but now it actually looks rather good.