by Mithrandir82
RtL – Wishlist for future implementationsHello everybody, after finishing the first campaign with my group (and playing a bit with app by myself), I can update my wishlist for the future implementations into the app (for my Kindle Fire).
Please feel free to provide also your comments, hopefully ffg will take them into account.
- Automatic tracking of skills, items and gold (plus fame)
- Countdown (peril)
- Splig’s voice and music in the menu
Looking for
- Random generated dungeon
- More specific selection (monsters, classes and heroes) of the elements from your collection, with the possibility of saving the list.
Description [o]We would like to be free to select personally which monsters, classes and heroes to use from our collections and not to be forced to bring with us entire expansion(s) all the time just because we want to use specific heroes (or classes).[/o]
- Monsters options and actions adapted to the group limit(number of heroes), in particular for two players.
Description [o]For a two players game, I would be glad if the game would show only the relevant information in order to avoid confusion. If there is supposed to be only one monster I think there is no need to have both defeat unique and defeat group. And if there are only master (or minion) monsters, according to the setup, there is no need to provide information on how both are attacking. Everytime I can’t help to think: did we put the correct monsters ??

- Faster and clearer set up information for the quest.
Description[o]Right now every time you open one door and you receive the information in different steps and (clicks): tiles, background, objective. I see the point in highlighting the information on the objective item/monster but for the “standard” information (e.g tiles, monster and search tokens) I would prefer to not be obliged to click multiple times and just take all of them together from box. It has to be noticed also that when completing the setup, the monster icons dissapear immediately from the map while I would prefer to have the information available at least until the end of the turn of the first hero.[/o]
- Offline rules implemented in the app, such as a sort of glossary.
Description [o]I would be glad to have for example an offline reference glossary based on the tutorial. True is you can keep a game saved just with the tutorial and go back to its journal everytime but it is not so user-friendly.

- Narrator’s voice for background information during the quest