by fardoche
Hello, I just played my first encounter with a couple of friends and I immediately ordered the game. I had never really been attracted to Ameritrash games before, having played exclusively Eurogames for the last 8 years. I'm still a 98% Euro guy, but when I decided to take the dive for Descent, I was overwhelmed by the dozens of expansions, addons, packs, decks and whatnot. I stuck to ordering the base game only but I guess I will eventually buy more of it.Right now, I think I will have plenty to digest with the base game for a few weeks, but I'm looking for a "Descent coach" to guide me through all this stuff. I don't mean to find a teacher for the game but rather a mentor to help me understand how all the different stuff work together. If interested to help a fellow crawler, PM me please.
Thanks a bunch!