by Sadgit
Although I really like the great hero overview tables in pdf format that are avaiblable in the files section, I always missed functions to sort and filter all those heroes that FFG accumulated over the years. Also, some of the older files are no longer up to date. So, I created my own and and simply called it:Sadgit's Table of Descent 2nd ed Heroes.
To allow for an easy comparison, CK versions as well as updated Hero and Monster Pack versions are in there.
Data included:
Name of hero
Portrait image
CK (yes/no)
Speed, Health, Stamina
Defence dice
Attribute values
Hero ability
Hero feat
Fluff text
This is what it looks like.
The table can be filtered using drop down menus in the first row.
It contains data from all available expansions including pre-release information on Shards of Everdark.
Might be interesting to some of your. Enjoy!