by Exupery
I see that there is not a huge amount of people confused or lost with the Road to Legend APP, so I must be an idiot. Because I am really confused about a lot of stuff involving this wonderful app.The issue is A Soul to Save quest.
The main objective of this sidequest is to eliminate a certain Bove Wolfe.
The guy pops-up from the very first tile, at the beginning of the quest.
From that moment on all you have to do is find a way to kill Bove.
OK. So far so easy.
Somehow I've managed to kill / "kill" him on my fourth round.
Then something happens (AFTER I kill him):
"Bove hisses a near-silent cackle as his wounds stitch themselves closed. He approaches the door, and it splits in two as he presses his hands against it. Before you can stop him, he flees into a hall blanketed in webs and darkness."
Then the App asks me to "continue".
So I continue.
You put a new tile on the table and spawn some spiders.
But where is Bove?!
The App still shows his icon on the right side of the screen.
But the App does not tells me where to spawn Bove on the new board.
So his icon is still showing (it only shows when an enemy is not defeated and thus he can take turns, as usual) but no spawn place for Bove?
So what is happening?
What I am doing wrong?
Where is Bove?
When his turns comes (as prompted by the App), I don't know where Bove should be, if he can attack me or not. Because I don't see him, the App told me nothing about his place, after I've already killed him.
Pheew, this is too long, I am sorry.
Anyway can help, please?