by Bohde8781
Anyone have 8.5x11 print or electronic version of the Quest Guides for Lair of the Wyrm, Trollfens, or Manor of Ravens? Or/also, an electronic version of Heirs of Blood (I can prove I own a physical copy)?All 3 of my copies of these expansions came with 9.5x9.5 quest guides, and won't fit into 8.5x11 sheet protectors in a 3-ring binder (or my 8.5x11 scanner to make my own electronic resized versions). Trying to combine all of my quest and rule guides into a single 3-ring binder to organize.
Interesting that FFG has released all newer small-box expansions (Mists of Bilehall and both Imperial Assault small boxes) with 7.5x9.5 form factor guide books.