by Sargeras777
The rulebook, page 11:[QUOTE]Each hero can carry any number of Shop Item, Class, and Search cards
he chooses. However, the number of these cards that a hero may equip is
We might have been playing the game wrong all along. The Search cards have got to be equipped?!?
I haven't noticed icons in the bottom of any Search card...
Am I missing anything? Does an action need to be spent to equip a Search card?
[QUOTE]Heroes may give or receive Shop Item cards, Relic cards, and Search
cards to or from each other during a move action. At any point during
his move action, a hero may trade any number of Shop Item cards, Relic
cards, or Search cards with an adjacent hero. Trading does not require an
additional action or the expense of movement points.
A hero must still wait to equip any cards he receives until the start of
his next turn. [/QUOTE]
The further info on trading cards would indicate it seems so.