by Ogdred
The 2nd Edition heroes are pretty amazingly detailed sculpts. I picked up the conversion kit and started going through my 1st Edition stuff and the quality, while still very good, is obviously a little less than 2E. (FFG had years to refine their process. This is not a complaint, just an observation)My question is this: I don't own any other Realms of Terrinoth games, so how does the quality of their minis compare with 1E and 2E? I assume Dungeonquest has some pretty nice sculpts since it's newer? I know that Runebound Frozen Wastes is going to use the same sculpts as Tomb of Ice, but was the molding process refined at all to produce better quality minis in either of them? I know I can use proxys, but I do want to get some of these games, I'm just wondering if it's a good enough excuse to buy them now.
Speaking of proxys, does anyone happen to know what scale the miniatures are? Are there any similar scale product lines that people use? Warhammer figures are just a hair bigger (not much, but put them next to each other and it's noticeable).