by Morph Mode
I have been lucky enough to play through 3 Descent campaigns with the same group. I had bought Imperial Assault and some add-ons and so we started up the IA campaign after our last Nerekhall campaign ended. I had thought that the some of the improvements in IA would make the game more fun but so far it has been just the opposite -- we are struggling to maintain our forward momentum with IA.Since RtL came out we have been having a ton of fun with that. And one fringe benefit with it is because it only handles 4 players we can play a lot more often. One of the reasons we have only played 3 Descent campaigns since 2013 is we won't play until all 5 of us can make it so sometimes it is 3-4 months between games. T
Hate to say it (because I spent a lot of time painting my IA set) but I think for us the old standby of Descent is going to fight up the uprising from its flashier younger brother (at least for our group).
Anyone else coming back to Descent after the initial draw of SW:IA faded?