by Anarchosyn
One of the central complaints regarding Descent 2e, at least in regards to the core experience, appears to revolve around the search mechanic -- most people seem to feel it was a bit tame. Reading loads of impressions throughout the four year history of this title, many have made the observation, at least in regards to the unexpectedly repetitive and lackluster options that appeared.One thing that is very difficult to ascertain, however, is how this may (or may not) have changed over time.
My Question: Provided we can agree that the core experience was a bit lack laster, have the expansions gone to any lengths to address this? I know the small box expansions removed the "you find nothing" cards in lieu of hidden room options, but were steps taken beyond this? Maybe better cards in almost every expansion, or other tweaks I may have missed?
Just curious to see if FFG turned a deaf ear to these complaints or not.