by Anarchosyn
Ello,Recently I decided to jump into Descent per all the Road to Legend chatter. Cooperative play is my aim, but am looking forward to running through the competitive campaigns as well (if I can convince my co-op loving group to get behind that style of play).
I pulled the trigger on the core Descent 2e box, and -- as an afterthought -- grabbed:

After an brief order mishap with the online retailer, I then added:

This is naturally a lot, and I'm running the risk of burning myself if my group doesn't take to the experience (though I'm somewhat confident I'll find players, myself solo via RtL at the least). Beyond the wasted money if everything goes south, there will be a lot of mechanical nuance dumped into the learning experience, though I can't tell how weighty these additions actually will be (I lean more to assuming they'll enrich our initial playthrough).
My Question!
So I was about to pull the trigger on Mansion of Madness 2e when I noticed I was tantalizingly close to getting free shipping. My first thought was, "well, I can just included Lair of the Wrym, and maybe the final co-op expansion" which would basically complete Descent for me, save the last two big box expansions. My second thought resulted in this post.
Is Lair too much too fast? Knowing it as you do, worth the extra investment?
Thanks for indulging this ramble.