by Anarchosyn
I'm new to Descent, and not overly familiar with all the possible heroes. That said, I get the general impression this isn't a hero in the pantheon of heroes currently available, but figured I'd ask.I'd have written this off as nothing more than an artistic flourish (like the three heroes on the cover of the base game's box), but something caught my eye: the long queue, the zōri on his feat, the tekkō on his arms, the zukin (?) around his mouth -- all of these elements are quintessentially Asian, whereas one would expect a throw away no-name generic character to carry Descent's more dominant Euro-medieval theme.
... which got me thinking, if this isn't a known hero, I wonder if Descent is soon to receive a Asian themed expansion? Likely? Unlikely?
I know Runebound explored the heroes of the world in second edition, but I'm unsure whether any of that bled into Descent.
Thoughts? I'm crazy, right?