by dougposkitt
Hello everyone,As a recent newcomer to this series, I have gotten (or have coming) all the big and small box expansions plus, of course, the base game.
I doubt I am the only one who has this particular foible, but I like to keep all my components in pristine condition.
That means sleeving the cards and the hero sheets, taking care when handling the tiles etc., and ... well, the printed material such as the rules/quest & campaign guides.
Fortunately, with the exception of the Chains of Rust expansion, all the rules are available for download from FFG.
That leaves the quest/campaign guides. Over the course of repeated plays, they are sure to be handled a lot. I looked for these on the FFG website, but in vain.
Please forgive my ignorance, but what am I missing here? In particular, why are there no pdf downloads for Heirs of Blood? Is it because one can elect to buy the printed book version?
The Heirs of Blood campaign guides come with the base game, and it would be much more convenient to be able to download them to my tablet or print them out so that the printed guides with the game retained their condition.
The same goes for the guides that come with the expansion.
What are FFG afraid of here? That we will try to play the campaigns without buying the expansions?
No doubt someone will point out the idiocy of my logic, but I really do not know why such material cannot be downloaded.
PS I suppose I could always have them scanned and converted to a PDF.