by Diegann
Hi, I am playing as overlord tomorrow, after reading the manual, I got some assorted doubts that maybe you could clarify. I will number them:1- Can a hero move twice, then move again using additional movement and suffering fatigue?
2- Does an ally interrupt line of sight?
3- If I have 2 enemies in LOS, one closer than the other, and I aim for the one that is far away with a ranged weapon, and I attack, if the range I get from dice is not enough, can I redirect the attack to the one that is closer? If I dont get the distance I need, I fail the attack?
4- Does a blast attack injures a figure that occupy more than 1 square, more than once?
5- Regarding an attack with reach, the manual says I can attack 2 spaces away. That means I can have 1 space free between the attacker and the defender, correct? First space is the empty one, second space is the one occupied by the defender.
6- If a player suffers from a condition, he takes a condition card. If a monster suffers from a condition, overlord puts a condition token on the monster, and takes a condition card for that monster? How are monsters affected?
7- A large monster can end its movement touching a square of water. Next turn, he can move again and go over the water, using that space that occupied water as the space for measuring how many squares he can move. He leaves the water zone (for example goes over a small river) so in effect, he went through a water space without the enterng water penalty. Correct?
8- Regarding spending exp points, if I understand it correctly, a hero and overlord in the course of the core base game campaign, will have in total 8 exp points? (because they get 1 exp at the end of each quest)?
9- In a quest, between first and second encounter, there is no buying or spending exp phase, correct?