by zaphoduk
So last night we played a Delve and we were instructed to place the portal tile on top of a red bordered square. This leads to several questions.1. Does the fact the portal has been put on the square replace any properties that square would have had? ie. it no longer blocks line of sight?
2. Does the portal itself block line of sight?
The tile in question had 3 red squares in a diagonal line. So on squares 1, 5 and 9.
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
3. Can a character on space 8 move to space 6 as a single move speed?
4. Can a character on space 8 search a search location on space 6 without line of sight being blocked?
5. Can an Goblin Archer on space 6 target a character on space 4 without line of sight being blocked?