Channel: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition) | General | BoardGameGeek
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Thread: Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition):: General:: Test of Time: Descent as an Imperial Assault-Owner


by Misterloki

I know there are several threads discussing this topic, but i want to know, if minds has changed over the past months. Did people come back from imperial assault to descent, and why? Did people left descent for imperial assault or do people just play both?

Is there enough value for an imperial assault owner to make this huge investment (i´m a completist cry) and go into the descent universe too?

I remember people saying, imperial assault has better line of sight rules, player turn order is better, overall more streamlined. But sometimes streamlining lead to the losing of "soul", games, that are streamlined are in danger to get clinical, souless. From my perspective ia is fine, when it comes to that, but what do descent-players think? What are the advantages from descent over imperial assault, is it just the "road to legend-app"? How is the charakter development in descent compared to ia? In ia you ve the items with the attachments, the special heropowers and of course the skills.

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