by zaphoduk
We've been playing a 3 player game using the RTL app on Normal, with little success.Campaign 1
Played the tutorial, won two side quests, and got wiped out on the Splig encounter.
The final quest was extremely punishing with the Peril going off left right and centre. We had zero morale by the time we got to Splig himself. We got down one Goblin Master only for a second group to spawn. Wipe.
Seems highly unfair that no matter how much damage you do to Splig, only 1 damage goes against the Master Goblin.
Campaign 2
Skipped the tutorial and went straight in to side quests. Lost them both so had no XP to buy additional abilities for the final Splig encounter.
Again with the Peril zapping us all the way through. Managed to get to Splig with 2 morale in tact this time. Couldn't even get into the room, we were stuck in the doorway for 2 full rounds. On multiple rounds throughout this mission, Flesh Molders and Goblin Archers were essentially getting 3 actions. 1. Engage, 2 Attack then retreat. With their movement points in the region of 7-9 because of the surge advantage it mean we couldn't move up to them and attack, we had to spend both actions just to move. Due to the earlier deaths we had no stamina to expend for extra move points.
Finally the Lady Vampire and a giant Elemental spawned blocking the doorway entirely. Wipe.
Campaign 3
Disheartened we decided to try the Kindred Fire scenario.
First map tile contained water terrain and Razorwings, second tile contained a row of Zombies. At the end of round two, and repeated for every round thereafter, take 1 wound, test Knowledge and take 1 more wound if failed. Even without the monsters on the map, there is no way we could have traversed through the water, and all the way through both tiles and through a closed door to avoid the Peril. As it was we had two groups to deal with.
Enter the corridor to have Bane Spiders and a Master Ettin spawn. Spiders are getting that wonderful 3 action cheap trick with attack and retreat in the same action. Open a door, Flesh Molders spawn. Flash Molders getting the cheap 3 action trick too. There are 4 monster groups on the map at this point and peril is triggering every round.
Open another door with a boss elementals who heals up for 3 every round and the final boss dude (can't remember his name). These guys were either rolling 2 white or 1 black defense dice. It's also worth pointing out that all but 1 of the groups were rolling red and blue attack as opposed to blue and yellow. While 2 of our 3 heroes were only rolling blue and yellow.
Cue some cheap attack on behalf of one of the monsters which hit everyone within 3 spaces of him, wipe. I lost count of how many times we were stunned or immobilised during this map.
Now this was the first mission of the campaign, we had no extra XP or equipment to take into the fight with us, we were base level characters, and this was on normal??? I'd understand if we'd chosen hard, but normal???
We'd even disabled lieutenant packs but still it was stupidly hard.
Our experience over the last three weeks tackling these campaigns has left us feeling completely chewed off with it, to the point where two of the three of us wouldn't care if we never played it again.
I'd expect a challenge on later levels, but not on the opening mission of a new campaign. It's not even a challenge though, it's down right unfair. If you stand your ground and fight to clear rooms, you get peril'ed to death. If you run through rooms, ignoring monsters to avoid peril, you just get over-run with monsters....and still the peril takes you.
I had intended to buy the Nerekhall expansion to play the third app campaign but i don't think i'll bother now if the first two are anything to go by.