by germos
This is a copy of my post on reddit as this forum seems more active:Looking through online posts about balance in a Two-Hero game i find that people agree that it heavily favors the OL. However playing Two-Hero games I've found it to be the exact opposite.
Now looking through the FAQ/Errata i notice that the "Two-Hero Game" section, that gives heroes 1 free attack or recover 2 dmg each turn, have been added through an errata. (I have a newer version of Descent so these errata are included in my rulebook).
Now going back to the forum posts saying that OL is favoured in Two-Hero games i notice that they are all from 2013 or older, so my question is:
What was the Two Hero Game section added to the errata?
What is general conception of the ballance with this change?
My impression is that in scenarios that the heroes can win, mainly through combat, (for instance Calladen's Crossing, ecnounter 2: kill the lieutenant) now heavily favors the heroes, while scenarioes that are heavy on action requiring objectives (Calladens Crossing, encounter 1: run back and forth to put out fires, while killing goblins to stop them from boosting the fires) still favors the OL.