by geki
Hello all,I looked through the forums looking for this discussion, but I only found a similar one regarding the geomancer.
We started the new RTL campaign (the Nerekhall related one) today, and our excitement got crushed when we realized that we could avoid any significant attack from powerful monster by having our Conjurer summon images next to them, forcing them to choose the image as a target and effectively preventing an entire monster attack for 1-2 fatigue and 1 damage.
Based on our understanding of the familiars rules, and given the monsters usually target the closest hero (in engagement and in attack), we almost never had to worry about absorbing the attacks of master or larger monster (the ironbound in particular became a joke).
The Geomancer was bad enough, but at least summoning the 1 stone would cost him one action. The Conjurer can put down two for no action and only 1 fatigue (assuming previous ones were destroyed).
Two Questions:
1) Does any of the above sound wrong? (I would be very happy to find we are missing some glaring rule)
2) If this is correct, has anyone experimented an easy fix that does not require to actually play the AI "as if" there was an OL (meaning choosing case by case what would make the most sense)?
Thanks to any helpful soul.