by Thescorpionx
Hello!!I just bough the 2nd edition of Descent so i can play the Road to Legend with the app! the thing is i have a bunch of 1st edition expansions!!
I own the conversion kit ( but cant be used with the App ).
My plan was to find some 2nd expansions, check wich 1st monsters could replace 2nd monster from certain blisters/monster packs, and just peint out their cards.
I mean, a monster pack has let's say lava beetles, a demon and a giant, i wanted to use models i already have from 1st edition as proxies while printing theor equivalent monster card. I dont know if i am clest ahah! Like that i could add some monster packs in my collection on the app!
Any ideas? Suggestions on how to do this? Where can i find images from the /nd monster charts?!