My goal is to head back in for a corruption campaign to follow on from the saccharine yes-men that made up my novelty short heroes first campaign. I'm looking for a wisdom of the crowds argument for which heroes and classes you think would make the most sense in a corruption campaign.
For reference, I have all the expansions up to Nerekhall (big and small box), Crusade of the Forgotten and Crown of Destiny. My first pass for a possible team traded a warrior for a scout, so I'm not opposed to an unbalanced party. Only caveat is that I'm inclined to field the Necromancer or the Hexer: Necromancer as I've just finished painting a Runewars Miniatures reanimate to play her familiar; Hexer to just give it a go as it's a somewhat unloved class in my group.
Feel free to go as overboard as you like telling the story of your proposed group.
For reference, I have all the expansions up to Nerekhall (big and small box), Crusade of the Forgotten and Crown of Destiny. My first pass for a possible team traded a warrior for a scout, so I'm not opposed to an unbalanced party. Only caveat is that I'm inclined to field the Necromancer or the Hexer: Necromancer as I've just finished painting a Runewars Miniatures reanimate to play her familiar; Hexer to just give it a go as it's a somewhat unloved class in my group.
Feel free to go as overboard as you like telling the story of your proposed group.