by wsmithjr
I'm fairly new to Descent and only got into it because of the app. I had noticed that people recommended using the app over using the co-op expansions that are available.Recently, there has been discussion on whether we will ever see any more content for the app. Without wanting to drag that discussion into this thread as well, I was wondering: if indeed we do not get any new content for the app, then does that make the co-op expansions more worthwhile/desirable to get?
Or, perhaps, it's just better to go with something like the solo systems posted on BGG. Any thoughts on these expansions if we were to not get any more campaigns on the app? Reading the descriptions of the expansions, they don't seem like "normal" campaigns but I can't tell if that's good or bad having not experienced them.
I have no thoughts of my own on the continued life or the app. I'm just wondering if I should keep my eyes open for an opportunity to get co-op expansions.