by Sam and Max
We had a thread about the cost of FFG Lieutenant miniatures ($10 apiece), so I figure I'd mention the Reaper Bones Miniatures Kickstarter, ending August 25th.While the Bones miniatures offered in this Kickstarter are *not* exact matches to the D2E lieutenant and villagers, they're a pretty goodfit. Proxying the male and female human lieutenants (not to mention heroes) is easy. However, for the more exotic lieutenants, I suggesting proxying a miniature that has the same *abilities*. For example, Balthazor (sp) is a humanoid dragon. The Bones selections offered in the Kickstarter has no such figure. However, his abilities are Flight and Poison. So the BBEG demoness figure, with demon wings and a whip, can be a suitable substitute.
As for the villagers, the Bones Kickstarter has a set of five townsfolk. However, their personalities match better folks in a tavern or town, more than frightened villagers in the quests. You can sort of use them as proxies for the villager tokens in D&D Wrath of Ashardalon (no proxy for the Snort token, tho!). You might also find a miniature for an objective token, such as a gravestone.
At $100 for 100+ miniatures, you won't be buying them if you *only* are looking for Descent proxies. The scale is larger than the Descent 2E heroes, so you may end up proxying the heroes as well. Still, if you play D&D, Return of the Heroes, or Prophecy, you can use these mini's in those games as well. Also, unlike boardgame plastic mini's, these mini's take paint well. They don't need priming, so a simple brushing of brown paint thinned with water will bring out the details.
Take a look at the website for details, including $18 for a 12-color Reaper paint set.