by Waramir
Hey guys ,The basic story is this , i invested heavily into 1st ed. bought everything except sea of blood.
once 2nd ed came out, i went ahead and sold The Road to Legend expansion for a pretty penny. , but still kept all other 1st ed. stuff (core , tomb of ice , altar of despair and well of darkness). all in pristine condition.
skip ahead a few years and i have a bunch of 2nd ed stuff.
and the first batch of lieutenants ( the first 6 or 8 cant remember).
i never got to play the game since i could never get a group together. that is until 4 months ago. i finally got a group together and been playing the first RtL app campaign. (restarded a few times so the group could test out different classes/heroes).
I'm enjoying it so much that i just invested in paint supplies so that i can start painting the miniatures.
The thing is, i have all this 1st ed stuff (with the conversion kit), that im thinking of selling in order to get the new Hero and Monster collections...
do you guys think its a worthwhile investment? would you do it to upgrade all your minis to 2nd ed standards?
all opinions are welcome.