by Taevinrude
I asked for a Plano 7771 tackle box for a Christmas and it was easily the best Christmas present I received. I have almost all the box expansions. I am waiting for the restock on the Bonds of the Wild, as well as the Chains that Rust and Bilehall, but I have all other boxes and H&M packs, along with 10 of the lieutenant packs. I have been thinking about how I wanted to store Descent for quite a while, and here’s how I finally arranged all the pieces:The file box on the left contains all the map tiles I currently have, along with the rule books, campaign books, side quests, and lieutenant decks. I also keep the one or two current Campaign groups bagged up in one of the hanging files.
The Plano holds the rest of the figures and pieces:
The figures are unpainted, so I am not using any foam for protection. The large top area holds all of the big figures one-ish layer deep. The large area in the top right holds two 200 count card boxes. One holds the Overlord cards, while the other holds the travel, rumor, rewards, and Changeling cards (basically all the other large cards). I also have 3D printed special boxes for the Wounds, Stamina, Hex, and 5-Hearts. They all fit easily in the top tray. The condition cards fit in the top-right area (the thin black or white boxes in the bottom right are the condition cards and tokens in their special boxes. The Burning tokens have been opened up for display).
The bottom 4 thin trays hold the bulk of the small figures.
The top tray holds the melee figures, the second one holds the ranged. The third holds the heroes and small lieutenants, while the bottom one holds the map tiles (end caps, entrances, etc.). I had to carve out a small section of the dividers in the top right of the bottom tray to accommodate the doors, entrances, porticulises and transitions. I used foam board to reshape the dividers to fit the shapes I needed.
The bottom right section contains the class cards along with the items and relics. I used the clear polycarbonate deck boxes from Dragon Shield to hold those, with foam board dividers. The Act 1 and Act 2 monster and lieutenant cards fit into empty Dragon Shield cardboard boxes. I had them left over from my Magic decks.
Everything fits, and I expect to print or 3D print dividers for my 200 count boxes to more clearly divide all the different card groups. I also want to 3D print replacements for the foam inserts into my clear deck boxes because the foam doesn’t always stay oriented correctly. All in all, I’m happy.