by donbaloo
So back before we had kids I owned Descent 1st edition. My wife and I played it several times and both liked it quite a bit but the play time was oppressive to say the least. As I recall, with setup and putup we were clocking in around 6 hours or so per session. After kids came along I did some cleanup and sold off some games. I knew Descent would never hit the table again (and what a shelf hog!) so away it went.Today while looking for some boardgames to play on iPad I discovered this Road to Legend app for Descent 2nd. I don't know much about it but apparently it allows for Descent play with no Overlord and I'm intrigued. I'd also heard in the past the 2nd edition plays considerably faster than 1st. Put the two together and it has me considering buying Descent 2nd for the family to play. But I have some questions.
1. So is Descent 2nd wrapping up its lifespan? Looks like its been out for a while and there's a swath of expansions but I can't get a feel on whether its still kicking or not.
2. Does the Road to Legend app allow for cooperative play of the base game quests or just the ones in the app? I suspect we'll not get to use any of the base game adventures in case of the latter, which would be a bummer.
3. So what is the play time these days for a session of Descent?
4. Is there anything that has come along in the boardgame world lately that would be a better alternative to getting into for exclusive cooperative play (no Overlord/GM player)that's similar to Descent, i.e. quests, monsters, combat, treasure, campaign play?
Thanks folks!