by IceRik
Hi. I have started my Descent adventure almost three years ago.This was my first game where I felt like the miniatures deserve to be painted.
I had many other games before but I have never painted any miniature. After a lot of research I have bought some vallejo paint set and just started painting. My first painted miniatures were not great. I will probably revisit them when I finish painting rest of the collection. But what I have learned is that any paint job is better than none.
I paint using almost exclusively vallejo game color paints. I have only few vallejo air color for metallic and game workshop shades.
So encouraged by my gaming group I decided to share some of my miniatures with you.
I decided that lieutenants will be the best topic because I have most of them done.
Splig was the first lieutenant pack that I have bought. Back then I did not expect that I will buy the whole Descent collection.
10$ for a single miniature - it is quite expensive. So I got Splig as he appears in multiple quests not only in base game but also in some expansions.
He was first lieutenant I have painted and I still like how he end up. One thing he is missing is the base. At the beginning I thought that black base will fit nicely with all miniatures and I did not have the skill to do custom bases. Now I do custom bases for all miniatures.
The Farrow family was painted recently when I decided that I want to have all lieutenant packs. The miniatures were quite easy to paint and I like the decision to do "power sword" in Arlic hand.
I had high hopes for Baron Zachareth. He ended up being ok, not much more to say there.
Queen Ariad was the first big lieutenant I have painted. She ended up looking ok. At the beginning I was not happy with her but now I used to the look.
Ariad itself was quite simple miniature, almost as Eliza Farrow, just with some extra work needed for the gold webs.
When I got Nerekhall lieutenants I was shocked how miniatures quality have improved compared to base game. I really like how they are looking.
Gargan Mirklace (know also as Gargamel in my group) is a powerhouse. I wanted him to look like that and I'm really pleased with the result.
I had a lot of fun painting him.
Then I first saw Valyndra I knew that I must buy her. This is the best dragon miniature in my opinion.
My painting does not give her a justice but I still like the end result.
When paining Bol'Goreth I decided to play a bit with lighting.
He should look like looking at sunset (warm light in the front and cold on the back). This is quite interesting effect but I did not reply it on any other miniature.
The last set of lieutenants, they are the most recent miniatures I have painted. We still did not play Mist of Bilehall / The Chains that Rust campaign, but at least the bosses are ready.
I'm still waiting to paint Skarn and Belthir as they are great miniatures. Raythen and Serena do not look as exciting so they will probably wait even longer.
I hope that you liked my painting. If you want I may post some other miniatures I have painted.